What are the requirements to create a website

So, you have a business idea or have already set up a business. You need a website for your business web presence and to promote it. What do you need to have, to build a website?. A website consists of the following Domain name Web Hosting Business email address SSL (Security Socket Layer) Web Designer Domain name Your domain name forms…

What is an SSL certificate – Definition and Explanation

An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates a website’s identity and enables an encrypted connection. SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer, a security protocol that creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser. Companies and organizations need to add SSL certificates to their websites to secure online transactions and keep customer information private and…

Why Every Business Needs A Website

A business’s online presence, regardless of industry, can have a massive impact on its success. In this day and age, some businesses still don’t realize that a majority of their customers will visit their website before making a purchase. Having a strong online presence, particularly a website, can be make or break for generating more revenue. Yes, the quality of…